How we…help you…help them

As a High School Teacher, Ms. John knows what your child needs to learn before they enter into high school. She recognizes that grades 6 to 10 are pivotal years to lay the foundation for both academic and soft skills for long-term success in employment and economic success.

At Triple3, we offer a range of academic services and packages designed to equip students with the skills they need to thrive in high school, post-secondary school, and in life.

Our Services

Our number one goal is to help our students become self-learners before they enter high school.

Teach Them How To Be A Student

Life is a person's greatest teacher. Everyone needs to first learn how to be a steward by becoming the best students who are equipped to handle life's blessings and hardships.

Teach Them How They Learn

Once a students is self-regulated, takes initiative in their learning, and assumes accountability for their action or inaction, they must then learn the best strategies for their brain to absorb information. This includes excelling academically by producing work that demonstrates their understanding of what was taught to them.

Fill-In-The-Gaps In Their Learning

Once a student knows how their brain works, it's time to ensure they are not left behind by bringing them up to speed. The goal at this point would be to ensure they grasp the course material at their grade level.

Become A Self-Learner

This goal is one that many adults themselves haven't accomplished. However, the intent would be to ensure that the student can complete homework to the best of their ability, while understanding that this skill will take years or even decades to master. Moreover, the students themselves will learn to be patient with themselves in learning these skills on their own by completing their homework to the best of their ability. Homework completion isn't about being 100% right; rather, it's about striving to find the correct answer. And, if the answer is incorrect, it is crucial for the student to take the time to learn where they went wrong.